Here are some common conditions in animals that may benefit from acupuncture:
- Geriatric conditions, such as anxiety, sleep disorders, decreased appetite, pain, and incontinence
- Musculoskeletal conditions, such as arthritis pain, intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia, and traumatic injuries (including ligament tears)
- Gastrointestinal disorders, such as decreased appetite, constipation and diarrhea
- Common diseases, such as kidney failure, Cushing’s, Addison’s, and both hyper and hypothyroidism
- Cancer, in conjunction or in place of chemotherapy or radiation
- Allergies and other skin diseases, including lick granulomas and ear infections
- Neurologic Conditions, such as compressed discs or degenerative myelopathy
- Post-surgical pain control and rehabilitation, such as after TPLO surgery
Acupuncture works with your pet’s own body to promote and facilitate healing. It is not uncommon, especially in older dogs or dogs with multiple issues, to have the desired effect of a medication outweighed by how it could negatively affect other disease processes in the body. These dogs, especially, can benefit from acupuncture.
Often owners are concerned that their anxious pet would not be a good candidate for acupuncture. On the contrary, for most pets the overall experience is not scary at all. In fact, most dogs and cats come to love and look forward to their treatments. We are proud to offer veterinary medical acupuncture at Colorado Springs Veterinary Surgery and Rehab Center. Please contact us and let us know how we can help your beloved companion.
Authored by Dr. Kelly Hutchison